Reports from the sparky gang camp are saying the night of the show, the money was kept with one lady by the name Yassin, who was one of the investors to An2’s Fuwariya legacy album launching. Yassin was entrusted with the money as the whole team took a nap to cool off after an exhausting night. Some blamed An2 for that because they claimed he didn’t her enough.

When the team regroup to count the money, they got six million dalasi. After given shares of investors, the money was return back as many of investors claimed their money was sort. After a recount they got four million and proper shares was given.
An2 was left with only one and a half million or so. Within the camp, suspiciousness began as to who kept the money, who first count the money and was responsible for collecting tickets sales.
That led to the arrest of one MLK who was responsible for selling gate tickets and collecting ticket monies with Sparta as the record keeper.
Yassin was also invited to the police station but was later released, leaving Sparta and MLK detained. Upon investigation, it was realized that An2 was spending almost one hundred thousand a day which were not accounted at the time and some ticket monies were also pending.
After they balance with the eighteen thousand printed tickets that sum up to nine million dalasi, together with the left over tickets against physical cash, only one million was missing.
As at now An2 it is reported that withdraw the case but police are still pursuing the case.